Practical Tips to Help You Develop Consistent Reading Habit

Tamana Ahmed
3 min readDec 26, 2020


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

We learn the importance of reading from our deen as one of Allah’s first commands in the Quran is “READ”.

According to a famous saying,

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

Reading is the best workout for your mind. The more knowledge you will have the more better-equipped you will be to tackle any challenge in your life.

Reading is a form of meditation that will help you to increase your focus and concentration.

Reading is a great technique for relaxation. So next time when you feel stressed, just pick up your favorite book and relax yourself.

If you truly want to grow then make a habit of reading daily. Read whatever you like, either it’s any fiction, non-fiction book, or any other type of literature that you like.

I’m sure many of us already know about all these amazing benefits of reading but still, we struggle with disciplining ourselves to develop this great habit.

So, I’ll share some useful tips with you which will help you to develop the habit of reading daily without making it a chore.

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1. Take baby steps:

Don’t aim to complete a book in a day rather start by reading a few pages and then gradually increase it.

Imagine even if you read 10 pages in a day then in one month you read 300 pages, which is huge.

Also, another practical tip is to give yourself a target for a week or for a month, if this month your target is to read at least 300 pages then next month it’ll automatically get increased with your reading speed.

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2. Choose a Particular Time:

Specify a particular time in a day for reading and everyday read at the same time.

Reading at the same time daily will help you to soon form a habit of it and you will find yourself doing it without any struggle.

And it’s best to set that time in the morning hours as this is a positive way of starting your day.

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3. Make Your Reading Time Fun & Pleasurable:

Try to make the process of reading enjoyable for yourself. Eat your favorite food, snack, or anything you love during your reading time.

This is also one of the greatest ways of rewarding yourself.

Photo by Joan You on Unsplash

4. Make a Profitable Investment:

Lastly, never ever borrow books from someone else to read rather always try to buy books with your own money.

The reason behind this golden rule is that we don’t value the things we get for free. So, invest in books and make your own collection of your favorite books.


According to research, It takes 21 days for a human to cultivate a new habit. So, if you practice the above tips for at least 21 days then I’m sure that you’ll definitely cultivate the habit of reading successfully.

Initially, you have to put more effort to cultivate the Habit of Reading, you have to try hard and push yourself for it. And please don’t give up if you miss a day or two, it’s OK even if you miss a day, just resume the process until you reach a point when it becomes very natural to read daily.

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